Blog – Does my personal trainer know what he/she is doing?!!!!

Today I saw an article that talked about how to know if your trainer is full of bull…..basically doesn’t know what they are talking about. One of the things on the list was pushing the client too hard to where they are sore all the time. I had to stop and think about this one. I am very passionate about health and fitness. I can talk all day about it. Sometimes I can push hard because of my passion and this made me question am I pushing too much? I want my clients to enjoy their workouts but I also want them to see results. I want them to feel they are getting something out of it. One thing I always do is check in with them the next day to see how they are feeling. I’d love to hear from both trainers and trainees what your thoughts are on this. The most important thing is the client and helping them to have a healthier lifestyle….if they aren’t enjoying it they won’t stick with it……but if they don’t see results they won’t stick with it either…….THOUGHTS