Favorite Things Friday!!!!
This is my newest favorite find. I know it is not a “name brand” item but it is still wonderful all the same. That’s what makes it even better. I came across this Skin Renewal Night Cream when an acquaintance of mine gave several of her companies items to go in a gift basket for a friend who was about to go through chemotherapy. I thought to myself that I’d like to try this particular item. I had been experiencing the signs of my 50+ age and wanted my skin to look more refreshed. I’m always leery about night creams because they tend to break my skin out. This product did not break out my skin and the first night I used it the next morning my skin did look more refreshed and there were less noticeable lines. So stop by your local CVS Pharmacy and give it a try. If you do let me know what you thought!

Favorite Things Friday!!!

Late Fall, Winter, and early Spring in Texas can be a wonderful time. While the weather can be unpredictable, it can, also, provide for some of the most incredible experiences. Last night was one of those nights. We spent several hours sitting around a warm fire outside with friends as we passed out Halloween candy to the trick-or treators. There is nothing like sitting around a fire outside where you can talk about your hopes and dreams, your children, your successes, your struggles, and your memories. Sometimes just sitting and staring into the flames is all your need. It’s relaxing and tends to soothe the soul and makes for great memories!
Favorite Thing Friday!!!!
Came across this yesterday and knew I had to share it as my new favorite thing. I love this song “Love Won’t Give Up.” My favorite line in the song is “The Cross is all the confidence I need. Your love won’t give up on me. You never make a promise you don’t keep. Your love won’t give up on me.”

One of my favorite things to watch is a minister or pastor who can take the Word of God and make it apply to my every day life. Recently I came across the pastor of Elevation Church, Steven Furtick. Now he may not be some peoples favorite type of pastor but he has a way of speaking truth into an every day life like no one I’ve seen in a long time. The link below is one of his messages about anxiety. Our world today is filled with so much anxiety. Our kids face more anxiety and depression with every day and every invention of a new technology that is suppose to make our lives better and easier. If you have 20 minutes to take a listen to this message I think you will be very blessed. Have a wonderful weekend!

Great Grab & Go Snack!!!!
20 g of protein, 26 vitamins & minerals, ONLY 140 calories!!! Comes in both vanilla & chocolate. Go to my Advocare tab above to order.

This weeks favorite thing is Mary Kay’s Extra Emollient Night Cream! Its one of my very favorite things. You can use it as a night cream but it’s awesome as a lip balm or hand cream. If you’d like to order it you can order from my very good friend Jamie at www.marykay.com/jamiehackney She’s an amazing lady!!!!

New Products From Advocare!!!
To Order Click on the Advocare button on the menu above!