You are probably wondering about my title. The final R is RECOVERY!!!! In the last few weeks I have had to postpone my competition due to a hamstring injury and its no ones fault but my own. I forgot the last R. Recovery is very important. Your muscles need adequate time between workouts so they can complete the recovery process. A good rule to go by is you should not exercise the same muscle group 2 days in a row and no more than 3 times per week. If you do not allow recovery you end up overtraining and prone to injury…..which is what happened to me. I was working glutes and hams way too much and it finally just gave out. It’s kind of the same thing as when you let life get too busy God will make you slow down….well if you overtrain your muscles your body will make you stop and it’s usually when you don’t want it too. I knew all this yet I didn’t pay attention and I paid the price. So that’s why I said, “do as I say not as I do.” I can guarantee I will be doing more of what I say!!!!!