Better to Fail at Something or Succeed at Nothing?

In the last week in doing some research on abesity I came across something very interesting. It said as a trainer we have to take responsibility for all that our clients do….not just the successes but the failures. I had never thought of it this way….we are always talking about personal responsibility to our clients but what about our responsibility to our client. Not only is it my job to train my clients but its my job to find the way to get them to their goal. If they are not eating the way they should how do I motivate them to make better choices. As a trainer I believe I must do everything I can to help my clients. It’s ok for them to make mistakes…it’s okay to fail as long as you are trying…..what’s not good is when we allow them to succeed at doing nothing. We need to set small goals that they can reach, take ownership of, and get excited about. Life is not about succeeding at nothing……’s about continuing to try even if we fail.