So in the last coupe of weeks we have touched a little on the mind and the soul which is where you have to start on any health and fitness journey. Today, I want to start addressing issues pertaining to the body and the choices we make that affect it. In 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 the Bible says, “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own, you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with you bodies.” God paid the ultimate price for me……..He gave his Son. When I think in regards to my own children I am quite humbled. I know I could not give up one of my children as He did.
So with that in mind, where do we begin? For me it’s not the exercise part (which we will get to next week). It is the diet. I heard something just the other day and please forgive me because I can’t remember who said it or if I read it some place but…….you can’t exercise enough to burn off ALL the calories you put into your mouth. So I think the place to start is nutrition.
First let me say…….I HATE THE WORD DIET!!!!!!! I especially don’t like to hear people say that they are “on” a diet. Diets don’t work plain and simple. Oh sure, you may lose a few pounds, maybe even a lot, but as soon as you resume your normal lifestyle the weight comes back on with a vengeance. This is why your weight goes up and down like a yo-yo. There are so many unrealistic diets that you and your body cannot maintain for very long. Examples being no fat, no carbs, paleo, cleanses, and I could go on and on. They are unrealistic and most unhealthy for sustained periods of time. Let me, also, make a point here…….while cleanses can be good for your body they are NOT a way to lose weight. They are a way to get some of the bad stuff out of your body but not a way to lose weight. So, if someone promotes a cleanse as a way to lose weight please be wary. I’m all for a good cleanse to prepare your body for a healthy lifestyle or after a vacation/holiday where you’ve eaten a lot of crap but not as a means to lose weight.
Your nutrition/diet should be your lifestyle. A way of life. Something you do 99% of the time. Your body can’t do no carb and no fat. It has to have those things to function. You just have to choose healthy fats and good carbohydrates. I could go into all kinds of formulas and lists of things you need to do and buy but I don’t want to overwhelm you. I would suggest when you are ready that you get with someone who can teach you these things. If you have questions please feel free to message me on my website. There are plenty of professionals that can help you with an eating plan and start showing you the way to healthier lifestyle.
What I would tell you the best way to begin is to start small. Make small changes in you lifestyle one at a time. If you have had an unhealthy life style making to many changes at one time will overwhelm you. I’ve seen it over and over again. You will just give up and go back to your old ways. Some of the things you could do is start by eliminating processed foods or most sugar. If you drink soda, both diet and regular, maybe you eliminate that. If you drink lots of soda you may want to cut down to one a day and go from there. If you have a glass of wine or cocktail every night try limiting it to the week-end. As you make and get use to one change then make another change. When you feel ready then add bigger changes. I want to give you a word of encouragement here. Please remember your weight did not come on over night. You put it on over time. It will not come off, and stay off, over night. Give yourself some time and most of all grace to do this the right way. God’s grace doesn’t mean we never mess up it just means he still loves us and forgives us when we do things that are wrong. Be sure you are giving yourself grace on your journey to a healthy lifestyle as well.
A few final suggestions I would give you. Be aware of portion control. It is possible to eat too much healthy food and gain weight. When you go out to eat, if you do not have he will power to not clean your plate, ask the waiter to bring a “to-go” box when he brings your meal and immediately put half your food in the “to-go” box. Restaurants are notorious for giving you more food than you need. Things to keep in mind on portion control is your meat/protein source should be about the size of your fist, 1/2 of your carbs/fruits, and 1 cup of veggies. It is fun to see actually how much each one of these are. I had a client one time tell me she really stuffed her mac-n-cheese in the 1/2 cup container I gave her. We had a great laugh over it.
Finally, drink water!!!!! Many times we think we are hungry when we are really thirsty. Our body cannot function properly with out being hydrated. Much of our body is made up of water and all our organs must have it to function. Being hydrated protects you from injury as well. There is a reason coaches tell their players to stay hydrated… helps protect against concussions, muscle injuries and prevents cramping. A good rule of thumb is half your body weight in ounces. If you sweat a lot during exercise or outside activity you need even more.
As I close to day I want to say two words…….NO DEPRIVATION!!!!!! Reward yourself with a cheat occasionally. Enjoy the holidays or that long over-due vacation. If you have a healthy lifestyle you can do these things. Since it is your lifestyle, when you get home from the trip or the holiday is over you can go right back to your normal way of life because you’ve made it a healthy one. If you can enjoy your lifestyle, you will stay on it. Enjoy the process. It can be a wonderful experience.